{"id":5817,"date":"2020-05-14T14:02:16","date_gmt":"2020-05-14T19:02:16","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.campbellslegal.com\/?p=5817"},"modified":"2021-10-07T09:41:36","modified_gmt":"2021-10-07T14:41:36","slug":"from-the-coronation-cases-to-coronavirus-a-short-history-of-frustration","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.campbellslegal.com\/articles\/from-the-coronation-cases-to-coronavirus-a-short-history-of-frustration-5817\/","title":{"rendered":"From the Coronation Cases to Coronavirus \u2013 A Short History of Frustration"},"content":{"rendered":"

As lockdown restrictions begin to be relaxed there seems to be little sign of frustration easing. The global lockdown certainly threw up some strange reports. Apparently, demand for fantasy nurse costumes in Bavaria saw a thirty-fold rise. It is not clear whether they were being used for their intended purpose or to evade restrictions. Elsewhere, in Berlin, sales of one article of autoerotica at Dildo King grew eight-fold, year-on-year. Karex, which makes a fifth of condoms worldwide, was obliged to close all its factories in Malaysia. There was clearly plenty of frustration to go around.<\/p>\n


In business, contractual counterparties have been considering how unforeseen \u201csupervening\u201d events affect the rights and obligations of their agreements. Much has been written recently on \u2018frustration of contracts\u2019 (as well as the various other kinds of frustration), but where does this concept come from and is there anything to be learned from history about how might it be applied today? What is the legal position when a contract cannot be performed because, for example, the government mandates the cessation of business? The courts have grappled with that issue for centuries in extreme and sometimes bizarre circumstances.<\/p>\n

Before 1861, contracts were absolute; supervening events provided no excuse for non-performance. For example, in the 1600s a tenant was ordered to pay back rent despite the leased property being invaded by Royalist forces during the English Civil War. That changed with Taylor v Caldwell<\/em>. The owner of the Surrey Gardens and Music Hall agreed to allow musicians to give a series of concerts over several days. The musicians went to the expense of organizing and advertising the concerts. Before curtain up on the first night, however, the music hall was accidentally burned to the ground. Naturally, the tragedy was unforeseen and nothing in the contract provided for what should happen.<\/p>\n

Blackburn J dug deep into the books to find a way to temper the harsh rule of no excuse for non-performance. What principle governed in Ancient Rome when a vendor\u2019s slave had the misfortune of dying before delivery to a contractual purchaser? How did the common law view a person who, having possession of another\u2019s horse, refuses to redeliver it on request, on account of the horse having died? The judge found that, where an act of God renders it impossible to perform the contract, through no fault of any party, \u201cas, for instance, in the case of a painter employed to paint a picture who is struck blind, it may be that the performance might be excused<\/em>\u201d.<\/p>\n

Did the musicians have to pay for the music hall? Did the owner have to reimburse the musicians for their costs, and any liabilities to litigious musicophiles? \u00a0Blackburn J held that the music hall having ceased to exist, through no one\u2019s fault, both parties were excused \u2013 the musicians from taking and paying for the premises, the owner from performing the promise to give the use of the premises.<\/p>\n

The principle was developed further by a line of authority known as the coronation cases. After the death of Queen Victoria, Edward VII succeeded to the throne. His coronation was planned for June 1902, and would involve a stately procession through central London.<\/p>\n

Before the coronation, there was a brisk trade in renting out one\u2019s flat on Pall Mall, if appointed with majestic balcony views, for the day to royal fans. The sums involved were extraordinary. In Chandler v Webster<\/em>, Mr Chandler agreed to cough up \u00a3141 15s, which in today\u2019s money would be \u00a317,444; in Krell v Henry<\/em>, Mr Henry stood to earn about half that amount.<\/p>\n

Alas, Edward fell ill with appendicitis two days before the coronation, which had to be postponed. The thorny question then arose whether the royalists could recoup their sizeable deposits or whether the hosts could sue for the unpaid balance.<\/p>\n

The answer was that neither could recover because the contract had been discharged by frustration. Nothing had perished \u2013 indeed, Edward\u2019s quick recovery brought surgical treatment of appendicitis into the mainstream for the first time \u2013 but, in a more abstract sense, the whole purpose of the contract had been frustrated. The legal result was that the losses lay where they fell: deposits were irrecoverable, and no balance was owing.<\/p>\n


The principles have moved on a little since 1902. In particular:<\/p>\n