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AIFMD – Impact on the Cayman Islands

01 Apr 2013

The Cayman Islands looks well placed to ensure the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) does not adversely impact the use of Cayman Islands vehicles when it comes into force on 22 July 2013.


Court of Appeal rules on dispute over in specie distribution to shareholder in Cayman Islands Fund

01 Feb 2013

The Cayman Islands’ Court of Appeal has now delivered its judgment in the case involving the winding up of FIA Leveraged Fund (the “Fund”). In dismissing the appeal, the Court of Appeal held that based on the wording in the offering documents for the Fund, the in specie distribution in question could only be made using assets from the Fund’s portfolio (the Fund was fully invested in the playuzu casino bonus ultimate master fund, Fletcher International Ltd. (“The Master Fund”)) that were held by the Fund at the time when the investor was entitled to be paid its redemption monies. Further, even if the Fund’s documents stated that the directors of the Fund had a complete discretion as to the value of the assets to be distributed to the investor, that discretion is still limited as a matter of necessary implication by concepts of honesty, good faith and genuineness and a need for the absence of arbitrariness, capriciousness, perversity and irrationality.


Consideration of Enforceability playuzu casino bonus code of Side Letters – Lansdowne Limited & Silex Trust Company Limited v. Matador Investments Limited (In Liquidation) & Ors

01 Sep 2012

The recent judgment on side letters from the Cayman Islands Grand Court in Re Medley Opportunity Fund Ltd (21 June 2012) confirmed that there is a clear distinction between beneficial shareholders and investors of record for enforcing side letters for investments in Cayman Islands domiciles hedge funds.


The Patents And Trade Marks Law, 2011

01 Dec 2011

The Cayman Islands Legislature passed the Patents and Trade Marks Law, 2011 on 7 December, 2011 repealing the prior Patents and Trade Marks Law (2007 Revision) and making important changes to the practice of patents and trademarks in the Cayman Islands.
