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This privacy policy sets out how Campbells collects and uses personal information. We may collect personal information from you through your use of our website, when you request information from us or when you engage our legal or other services. Campbells is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide personal information by which you can be identified, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.

Campbells is a full service offshore law firm with offices in the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands and Hong Kong. Campbells, together with its affiliates Campbells Corporate Services Limited, Campbells Regulatory Services Limited and Campbells Corporate Services (BVI) Limited and their respective subsidiaries, form an international group (“Campbells Group”). Your personal information may be transferred within the Campbells Group. Reasonable endeavours are made to ensure that data is only accessible to those who need it for the purposes it was provided. All offices within the Campbells Group are required to meet the data protection standards in this privacy policy.

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or requests in respect of personal data, please contact us at

What We Collect

We may collect personal information from you in the course providing legal playuzu casino online and other services. The types of personal information that we process include:

  • Basic information, such as your name, the company you work for, your title or position and your relationship to a person;
  • Contact information, such as your postal address, email address and phone number(s);
  • Information necessary for the provision of legal and corporate services, such as information related to financial wealth and assets, tax status, professional relationships and background, disputes and court proceedings;
  • Information required to meet legal and regulatory requirements, such as in respect of anti-money laundering legislation;
  • Financial information, such as payment-related information;
  • Technical information, such as information from your visits to our website or in relation to materials and communications we send to you electronically;
  • Information you provide to us for the purposes of attending meetings and events;
  • Information provided for the purposes of recruitment and alumni records of former employees;
  • Any other information you may provide to us.

How we collect your data

We collect information from you as part of our terms of engagement process and in the course of providing legal services. We may collect or receive information about you from other sources, including publicly available sources, for instance in order to keep the contact details we hold for you accurate and up to date.

We may collect visitor information from the following areas on our website:

  • Contact – If you send us an email via any contact detailed on our website, we will use your details to respond to you;
  • Client Advisory Sign-Up – If you subscribe to our client advisories, we will collect your email address and hold it until such time as you choose to opt-out of further marketing communications playuzu casino free spins bonus from us by using the unsubscribe option available.

If at any time you would like your personal details removed from our mailing lists, please email us at

What we do with the data we collect

We use your information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service and, in particular, for the following reasons:

  • To provide and improve this website;
  • To provide and improve our services to you and our clients;
  • To compile anonymous statistics, such as website usage statistics;
  • To promote our services, including sending legal updates, publications and details of events;
  • To manage and administer our relationship with you and our clients;
  • To fulfil our legal and regulatory obligations;
  • For the purposes of recruitment.

The conditions we follow for using your data

We will only collect your personal information under the following conditions:

  • To perform a contract, such as engaging with an individual to provide legal or other services;
  • For the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or proceedings;
  • To comply with legal and regulatory obligations;
  • For legitimate business purposes.

If, for any reason, it is necessary for us to process sensitive personal data (which may include information on a person’s race, ethnic origins, political opinions, religious beliefs, trade union memberships, genetic, health or medical data, data on a person’s sex life, criminal record or alleged criminal activity), then we will only process with your explicit consent unless the processing of such data is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation, for the purposes of legal proceedings or legal advice, or necessary for the administration of justice or performance of public functions.

Who we share your data with

We may share your personal information with certain trusted third parties in accordance with contractual playuzu app arrangements in place with them, including:

  • Our professional advisers and auditors;
  • Suppliers to whom we outsource support and IT services;
  • Courts or tribunals, where necessary to fulfil legal obligations;
  • Law enforcement agencies, where necessary to fulfil legal obligations;
  • Regulators or other governmental or supervisory bodies with a legal right or legitimate interest;
  • Public registers;
  • Other service providers in the course of the services we provide to clients and with their prior consent;
  • Third parties involved in hosting or organising events or seminars;
  • Potential parties with whom Campbells Group intends to merge or sell any part of the Campbells Group using all reasonable efforts to notify you of any such change.

We will not sell, distribute or release your personal information to third parties unless we are required by law to do so or have been given your prior permission. Where it is necessary for personal information to be shared with regulatory authorities, courts, tribunals, government agencies and law enforcement agencies, we will use reasonable endeavours to notify you before we do this, unless we are legally restricted from doing so.

It may in certain circumstances be necessary to transfer your data out of the Campbells Group to another jurisdiction. We will only transfer such data to jurisdictions deemed to have adequate levels of data protection, unless the transfer is made with your consent or necessary for the performance of a contract with you or a third party on your behalf, required for legal proceedings, obtaining legal advice or establishing, exercising or defending a legal right, required under international cooperation agreements or otherwise permitted under the applicable data protection laws.

How long do we keep your data

We will only keep your personal information for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes playuzu casino no deposit bonus for which it was collected, taking into account legal and regulatory requirements to retain the information for a minimum period, limitation periods for taking legal action, good practice and Campbells’ legitimate business purposes. Any request for further information in relation to data we hold and for destruction of data should be sent to

Your rights in relation to your data

Campbells aims to maintain the highest data protection standards. If you wish to make a request in relation to your data (such as to withdraw consent to processing, access your data, have your data corrected, updated, rectified or erased, request that access to your data be restricted or provided to a third party, or object to any particular processing), then please send your request to

Please be aware that if you object or withdraw any previously given consent to the use of your personal information, this may mean that we are unable to perform the relevant services or there may be a restriction on the services which can be provided. Where necessary we may continue to process your personal information after you have chosen to withdraw your consent, to the extent it is required or otherwise permitted by law, in particular in connection with exercising and defending our legal rights or meeting our legal and regulatory obligations.

How we use cookies

Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to your device by websites you visit. We use Google Analytics cookies. These cookies help us improve our site by providing us with information about how users interact with our site such as the number of visitors to the site, the pages they visit and the length of time spent on the site. These playuzu casino bonus code cookies do not collect information that identifies a visitor. All of the information that the cookies collect is aggregated and anonymous. You may change your browser settings to delete and block cookies. To find out how visit

By continuing to use this site without changing your settings you consent to our use of cookies as described above.

Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. Once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. We cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.


We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access to or disclosure of your personal information, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect. However, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will use all reasonable endeavours to try to protect your information, we cannot guarantee the security of data transmitted online.

All employees and third parties engaged to process your information are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your personal information.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this policy from time to time. Any updates to this policy will appear on this page or may be otherwise requested at This policy was last updated on 22 May 2018.