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Cayman Islands

Cayman Islands / British Virgin Islands

PlayUZU Richard Spencer - Partner, Campbells Grand Cayman - Corporate Law

Hong Kong

Our lawyers have experience advising on debt, equity, credit-linked and asset backed securities, derivatives and other structured products, working with professional advisors and leading financial institutions worldwide; in addition to advising playuzu casino online on syndicated lending and related security structures and advising on the establishment and licensing of financial institutions in the Cayman Islands and their on-going legal and regulatory requirements.

Campbells combines prompt responses and good technical knowledge with an ability to be commercial and think outside the box.
Legal 500

Our firm has a strong financial institutions practice which advises playuzu casino review the local divisions of many of the world’s largest financial groups on Cayman Islands regulatory matters as well as on bank, trust and securities business licensing issues.

We have been involved in listings on exchanges worldwide and are a Listing Agent for the Cayman Islands Stock Exchange (CSX).